Discussion: the first language
Hash functions: An empirical comparison
Two-stage tables for storing Unicode character properties
Using ternary DAGs for spelling correction
Using DAWG for predictive text input
Calculating day of week and Easter date
Redundancy of x86 Machine Code
Metaprogramming with aggressive inlining
Software interface design tips
Introduction: Writing a simple expression evaluator
Reverse Polish Notation and Expression Compiler
Adding variables to expression evaluator
Enabling additional compiler warnings
Detecting access to freed memory
Corrections to Raymond Chen's wheel scrolling code
Dark corners in Microsoft's documentation
What your compiler can do for you
Performance measurements with RDTSC
Calculating standard deviation in one pass
Using sentinel for string manipulation
Checking if the point belongs to an interval
Implementing strcmp, strlen, and strstr using SSE 4.2 instructions
Benchmarking CRC32 and PopCnt instructions
JavaScript as the Next Big Language
Beware of Unverified TLS Certificates in PHP & Python